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How to interpret the output from SOLVE

SOLVE writes out some files that have information on how the structure solution went and others that allow you to look at a map and export phases. Here are the most important files that SOLVE writes out when it is done:

Other files SOLVE writes out include:

solve.prt: an analysis of the top solutions found.

Files for exporting output from SOLVE

solve.ezd: a portable native electron density map.

The "solve.ezd" file is an NEWEZD electron density map. Read this into "O" and you're ready to look at your electron density! In "O", just type,


and you've got your map.

You can also read this map into the program mapman with the flag NEWEZD and convert it to ccp4 or other formats.

solve.ccp4_map: a CCP4-formatted native electron density map.

The solve.ccp4_map file is ready to be read into CCP4 programs for viewing or modification.

solve.mtz: a ccp4 mtz file with F, phases and Hendrickson- Lattman coefficients.

The "solve.mtz" file is a binary file in ccp4 mtz format containing Fnative, sigma, phases, figure of merit, and Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients calculated using Bayesian phasing. The column names in this file are:

phases-hl.export: a portable list of phases.

The "phases-hl.export" file is a formatted file containing Fnative, sigma, phases, figure of merit, and Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients calculated using Bayesian phasing. Copy and edit the header at the top into a command file and use it to read the "phases-hl.export" file into ccp4 mtz format. Then you're ready to do density modification or whatever you like with your map.

Also see Importing and Exporting data with SOLVE for more information about importing datafiles and maps.

phases-hl.script: a script file with heavy atom parameters

The routine also writes out a file "phases-hl.script" containing your refined parameters for the heavy atoms.

patt_Fa.ezd -- a portable Fa Patterson map (MAD data)

patt_iso_orig_removed_der1.ezd and patt_ano_orig_removed_der1.ezd -- portable isomorphous and anomalous origin-removed patterson maps

These maps are in NEWEZD format and can be viewed with O or converted to other formats with mapman in the same way as the solve.ezd electron density map. (For derivative 1 the origin-removed maps are called ...der1 and for derivative 2 ...der2, etc). Note that if you have a multiple-MAD dataset the names of all these files will have _02, _03 etc appended to indicate the dataset number they came from.

ha.pdb -- heavy atoms in PDB format

Solve writes out the heavy atom positions for the top solution in PDB format in the file ha.pdb. For MAD data the heavy atom names are something like LAM1 (for lambda-1). The residue names are the derivative (or wavelength) number (DE1 means derivative 1).

solve.fft -- UCLA format map file

Here solve.fft is the same map as "solve.ezd", but in the ucla format.

phases-hl.drg -- binary output file

The "phases-hl.drg" contains the same information as "phases-hl.export" but it is in the binary ucla format. "phases-hl.drg" can be used to calculate electron density maps in this package or in another package.


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