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Misc commands

HA_PDB: Write out a heavy atom solution in PDB format

COMPARE_SOLN: Comparing two heavy-atom input files

FRACT_TO_CART and CART_TO_FRACT: Converting between fractional and Cartesian coordinates

MATH: simple operations on a dataset

GETISO: Get isomorphous differences

GETANOM: Get anomalous differences

GETPHASES: Get phase and F from A, B

Weights: weighting for macromolecular refinement

Script for weights

Keywords for weights

HA_PDB: Write out a heavy atom solution in PDB format

Solve will write out your current heavy-atom model in PDB format if you simply specify the command HA_PDB. This can be done, for example at the very end of an automated run of SOLVE to output the final heavy-atom model in pdb format.

The output file will be called "ha.pdb".

COMPARE_SOLN: Comparing two heavy-atom input files

Compare_soln reads in heavy atom sites from 2 files and compares them. It tests all possibilities for inversion and origin shifts that could make the solutions indistinguishable. It reports back if the solutions are the same and how many sites are the same if not . The files need to be in the format used by HEAVY and SOLVE. All lines in the 2 files except those that say "DERIVATIVE" or "XYZ" or "INANO" are ignored. Each time "DERIVATIVE" is encountered, a new derivative is started. Each XYZ is read as a keyword for xyz of a new atom in the current derivative. If "INANO" is specified for a derivative then the handedness of the solution is considered in comparing the solutions. Otherwise mirror images are considered the same. In all cases solutions that simply differ by an origin shift are considered the same. The grid used for FFT calculations is used to determine how close atoms must be to be considered the same, and the cutoff is 1 to 2 grid units. If you have a PDB file with your coordinates for one derivative, you can substitute PDB_XYZ_IN filename instead of the XYZ lines. You still need the DERIVATIVE statement.

For example:

If xyz1.dat looks like:

Derivative 1
xyz 0.45 0.93 .33

and xyz2.dat looks like

xyz .51 .48 .93
xyz .44 .351 .31
then use a script like this:
!----------Script to compare to heavy-atom input files -------------------
infile(1) xyz1.dat
infile(2) xyz2.dat
FRACT_TO_CART and CART_TO_FRACT: Converting between fractional and Cartesian coordinates

FRACT_TO_CART converts from fractional to Cartesian coordinates. CART_TO_FRACT converts from Cartesian to fractional coordinates. In each case, coordinates are read from the file defined by INFILE and written to the file defined by OUTFILE. Coordinates are read in free-format.

The Cartesian coordinate system is the PDB default: X is along a and Z is along c*; X Y and Z are mutually perpendicular and right-handed.

Use a script like this:

!----------Script to convert from fractional to Cartesian coords----------

MATH is a routine that is useful for generating test data, for converting I,sig to F,sig, and other simple conversions. In most cases, the routine takes an input file and column numbers for the input data and writes out an output file.

KEYWORDS for routine MATH:

KEYWORD        parameters               description

GENF_PHI       SCALE   B                Generates an asymmetric unit of data
                                        in this space group based on resolution
                                        limits set by DMIN DMAX. The rms F
                                        will be SCALE at low resolution and
                                        will decrease according to the thermal
                                        factor B.  Output file has F, PHI.
                                        F and Phi are distributed according
                                        to Wilson statistics.

I_TO_F         ncolI  ncolSIGI          Convert from I, sigma to F, sigma
SIGMA_SCALE    xx                       scale all input intensity sigmas * xx 

A_B_TO_F_PHI   ncolA  ncolB             Convert from (REAL,IMAGINARY) to (F,PHI)
                                        (phi in degrees).

F_PHI_TO_A_B   ncolF  ncolPHI           Convert from (F,PHI) to (REAL,IMAGINARY)

FOBS_SIG_FROM_F_ERR   ncolF  ERR        Add "measurement error" on to values of
                                        F.  % error in F will be about
                                        ERR. Uses error model of:
                                        where I=F**2.  

SUM            ncol1  ncol2             Output column 1 is sum of data in ncol1
                                        and ncol2 in input file

VECTORSUM  ncol1A ncol1B ncol2A ncol2B  Output column 1 = ncol1A+ncol2A
                                        Output column 2 = ncol1B+ncol2B

SEPARATEANO    ncolF  ncolsig           Read in hkl, F,Sig from file defined
                                        by INFILE and write out the reflection
                                        to the file defined by FPLUSFILE if
                                        this is F+, or the file defined by
                                        FMINUSFILE if this is F-.  A
                                        reflection is F+ in this definition
                                        if it is in the asymmetric unit as
                                        defined by HEAVY or it can be rotated
                                        into the asymmetric unit with reciprocal
                                        lattice symmetry. It is F- if it can
                                        be rotated onto -h-k-l of a reflection
                                        that is an F+.

FLIP                                    In separateano, write out the inverse
                                        of the input indices for F- (i.e, if
                                        h,k,l are read in, write out -h -k -l)

NEQUIV_SEPARATE   n                     In separateano, map the F- reflections
                                        to equivalent reflection "n" before
                                        applying FLIP and writing out.  This
                                        allows you to match up reflections
                                        collected on a mirror plane as opposed
                                        to those collected with phi+180. If
                                        you run SCALE_MIR or SCALE_MAD the
                                        value of "n" is chosen for you
                                        automatically by maximizing the number
                                        of F+/F- pairs related by symmetry
                                        operation "n".

TRIM                                    Delete every line of a reflection
                                        file that has "-1" in any column

RESOLUTION xx yy                        resolution limits

                                        If resolution limits and infile and
                                        outfile are specified, copies infile to
                                        outfile, using only data in the
                                        resolution range.

INFILE  xxxx                            input file name
OUTFILE xxxx                            output file name (except separateano)
FPLUSFILE xxxxx                         output file for F+ in separateano
FMINUSFILE xxxxx                        output file for F- in separateano


Sample script for routine "MATH"

Here is a simple script that will convert from A, B fourier coefficients to F and phi:

!-------------------Script for conversion of A B to F, Phi --------------
@solve.setup               !  standard setup for this dataset
infile ab.drg
outfile fphi.drg
a_b_to_f_phi 1 2            ! take columns 1 and 2 of infile and convert to
                           !   F and phi



GETISO is a routine to subtract 2 columns of data in a dorgbn file and to write out a new file with the difference. Reflections with a "-1.0" or "0.0" in either column are ignored as are reflections with F/sigma < ratmin. Here is an example:

!-------------Script file for getting isomorphous differences ------
@solve.setup                      ! setup script file
nnatf 1                           ! column for Fnat
nnats 2                           ! column for sigma of Fnat
nderf 3                           ! column for Fder
nders 4                           ! column for sigma of Fder
ratmin 2.0                        ! minimum F/sig to include
infile file1.drg                  ! input file
outfile file2.drg                 ! output file
getiso                            ! get isomorphous differences

GETANOM is a routine to convert from F+, F- to Fbar, DelAno. The routine calculates Fbar = (F+ + F-)/2 and del Ano = (F+ - F-), for the selected reflections and writes it to the output dorgbn file. If F+ or F- are missing (F less than or equal to 0), and the keyword "fp_or_fm" is specified, the one present is written out as Fbar and del Ano and sig of del Ano are set to 0.0. If the keyword "fpfm_only" is set then reflections with F+ or F- missing that are acentric are tossed. Here is an example script file for GETANOM:

!-------------Script file for converting from F+,F- to Fbar, Delano-------
ncolfp             ! column for F+
ncolsfp            ! column for sigma of F+
ncolfm             ! column for F-
ncolsfm            ! column for sigma of F-
fpfm_only          ! toss acentric reflections if F+ or F- is missing
infile file1.drg   ! input file
outfile file2.drg  ! output file with 4 columns

GETPHASES is a routine to convert from A and B fourier coefficients to F and Phi. Here is a script file to do this:

!------------------Script file to convert from A, B to F, Phi -------------
ncolfa 1           ! column for F cos(phi) = A
ncolfb 2           ! column for F sin(phi) = B
infile file1.drg   ! input file with A, B
outfile file2.drg  ! output file with F, Phi (2 columns)

Bayesian weighting for atomic refinement

WEIGHTS is a routine to generate weighting factors for atomic refinement. The weighting factors are based on both experimental sigmas and on rms values of (Fobs-Fcalc)**2 in ranges of resolution. The premise for this type of weighting is that the atomic model used to generate Fcalc is incomplete. Note that this leads to an expected difference between Fobs and Fcalc that is larger for centric reflections than for acentrics by a factor of 1.414. The errors in the fit of the model to the data are divided into two parts, one due to errors in measurement and one due to errors in the model. It is assumed that errors in measurement are reasonably well known. They are required for this routine. The input file must contain Fobs, sigma-obs, and Fcalc. It may also contain a flag marking "TEST" reflections for free-R calculations. To generate the input file, you will need to run X-PLOR or another program to get Fcalc values, then IMPORT the Fcalc values and FILEMERGE with your Fobs, sigma-obs data.

The output dataset ("Fobs, sigma, weight") is written in X-PLOR format and can be read in to X-PLOR just as if it were Fobs, sigma, weight. X-PLOR automatically uses the weight as a weighting factor in refinement if it is input in this way in the structure factor file. Note that the sigma here is NOT the experimental error in measurement any more.

You can select reflections with F>n*sigma-obs using RATMIN, but even if you include all reflections, a reasonable weighting factor will be generated for the weak reflections.

The program allows you to keep reflections flagged with RTEST>0 separate from the working set of reflections. The RTEST flag must be in a "column" of data in the input file. RTEST=1 indicates a TEST reflection, 0 indicates a reflection to use in refinement.

The errors in the model are estimated in a shell of resolution as

E**2 = [ < (Fobs-Fcalc)**2 > - <Sigma-obs**2>]

where centric and acentric reflections are treated separately. The weighting factor applied to a particular reflection is then:

WEIGHT = 1/( E**2 + Sigma-obs**2 )

Reflections where Sigma-obs is not >0 or Fobs is not > ratmin*sigma-obs or Fcalc is not >0 are ignored and not written out.

Script file for WEIGHTS

!----------Script file generating Bayesian weighting for refinement------------
@solve.setup             ! standard information for this dataset
infile fofc.drg          ! input dorgbn file with Fo, sigma, Fc, Rtest
outfile fo.xplor         ! output file with FOBS SIGMA RTEST for X-PLOR
NCOLFOWT  1              !  column # for F of data
NCOLSWT   2              !  column # of sigma-obs
NCOLFC    3              !column # of Fcalc
NCOLRTEST  4             ! column # for RTEST indicator (0 if not present)
weights                  ! get Bayesian weights...


Keywords for WEIGHTS

NSHELLS n       number of shells of resolution used to group data (default=10)
INFILE xx       name of file with Fobs,sigma-obs, and Fcalc and optional Rtest
OUTFILE xx      name of output file in X-PLOR format with 
NCOLFOWT n       column # for F of data
NCOLSWT n        column # of sigma-obs
NCOLFC n        column # of Fcalc
NCOLRTEST n     column # for RTEST indicator (0 if not present)
RATMIN xx       minimum ratio of F/sigma to read in at all (default=0)


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